quick links
I grew up in Kendallville, Indiana, graduated
from East Noble High School, and then
attended Purdue University, from which I
graduated with degrees in English, English
education, and psychology. I also received my
master's in school counseling from Purdue. I
lived in Denver for a few years, back in Indiana
for a few, and now in my very favorite place,
Fort Myers, FL! Denver is featured in my recent
novel A Stranger Thing, and if you want to know
all about growing up in Indiana (exciting stuff, I
promise!), just check out the Spin the Bottle
series! There are also scenes in several of my
books that take place in Fort Myers Beach! And
now, you can finally read about Jansen's life
growing up in another of my favorite places,
NYC, in the Not Like Paradise trilogy! :) I would
love to hear your opinions, suggestions, ideas,
and comments! Feel free to email me at
daisy@daisyjordan.com or contact me on
Facebook or Twitter!
Everything Happens for a Reason... is the story
of a year in the life of a group of college friends:
Jill, Hilton, Laney, Natalie, Todd, Adam, and Luke
(to name the main ones).
Spin the Bottle is a series of prequels to
Everything Happens for a Reason.... It is about
Jill, Hilton, and Todd in high school and all their
high school friends. The spin the bottle novels
are called really good friends, wrong all along,
best-kept secrets, and game over.
All That Sparkles Isn't Real Sapphire follows the
life of Lorylyn, a main character in the spin the
bottle series, as she goes to college.
I Don't Want the Rest of Your Life starts in
October of 2008, at a wedding, then backtracks
to 2004 to show what Lorylyn and her friends
have been up to since Amsterdam.
LoveMeansZero picks up about 2 years after the
end of Everything Happens for a Reason... and is
about Hilton's, Jill's, Luke's, and Todd's lives
after college. Look for some major shockers for
all of them in this one! :)
Living in a Postcard starts in January 2009 and
continues to follow Hilton's life on the tennis
tour, as well as the lives of Jill, Todd, and Luke! I
counted the big surprises/twists in this one, and
there are 13!! ;)
A Stranger Thing starts where I Don't Want the
Rest of Your Life ends...but it doesn't answer the
cliffhanger for several pages. ;) This book is
about Lorylyn, Kylar, Zibby, Jansen, and their
guy friends as they move away from their college
Only May in Paris Will Tell is the craziest book
yet about Hilton and the tennis tour. Childhood
secrets, pregnancies, divorce, exciting new
relationships, and a random photo taken by
Hilton that may be a clue in a murder are just a
few of the things that happen. :)
The Not Like Paradise trilogy is another prequel
series...this time about Jansen, Lorylyn's college
roommate, during her wild and mysterious teen
years in New York City! In this series, which
begins with Urban Legends, you will finally hear
the full story Jansen has dropped hints about in
later years!

All dolls on this website were created at dollzmania.net Check out the site! It is fantastic!!!
the college and post-college books...
the spin the bottle series...
Like Daisy's Facebook page! <--------- Follow Daisy and Hilton (the character!) on Twitter! ---------> Insta: @authordaisyjordan
the not like paradise trilogy...